Saturday, 24 April 2010

Union Social Networking Tutorials

When I started developing tutorials for NZEI members on how to engage with their union through the internet I started with explanations of all the sites the union had and the difference between them. But it was soon obvious that this was the wrong approach, it just wasn't engaging. So then I started to think about what it was that I actually hoped union members would do on-line and began tutorials around these themes - follow, share, create.

The first on-line tutorial I developed covered how to follow union information through RSS and email. Here are two more. One explains how to join the union's social networking sites and the second how to share on-line content.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Web 2.0 How-To

For a long time unions have taken a "build it and they will come" approach to their on-line presence. However, if we want members to engage with their union on-line we need to educate and support this, in the same way we do for other union activity. That, and my observation that many people get a glazed over look when you mention RSS, has prompted me to start developing resources and modules that can be used to educate union members how to engage with their union on the web. This is my first support resource, destined for a Web 2.0 How-To page on my union's website.